Terry Notary is a four-time NCAA All-American gymnast at UCLA, Cirque du Soleil acrobat, actor, and world-renowned movement and performance coach.  

With over 30 years of experience, Terry’s knowledge of anatomy, movement  and elite acrobatic technique has made him the leading performance expert in the entertainment industry. His signature method has repeatedly proven itself with countless A-list actors on the biggest films in Hollywood, including theater, opera, and workshops for acrobats, dancers, athletes and top-level executives around the globe. From the Navi aliens of Avatar to the superheroes of Avengers: Endgame, Terry ’s expertise has been called to the front lines of over 40 of the most ambitious projects ever made.

In his words: “True fitness can only be attained by strengthening the mind and body in unison. By focusing on fitness of the 'whole self’, a foundation is formed upon which we can then build intrinsic strength, coordination, awareness, grace, presence, and ultimately, the ability to perform at our highest potential.”

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